Hey friends!!!!
It seems like it has been forever since I last posted....wait...IT HAS... and for that I am very sorry. Things have been hopping over at the Polka Dot Patch and I feel like time is never on my side!! Can anyone relate??? Ha Ha!! :) I have some random things to share so just hang with me...
We have been talking about Solids and Liquids in Science so I was so excited to try Deanna Jump's Ice Cream activity! I was anticipating a HUGE mess, but it really wasn't too bad and the kids LOVED it! Here are a few pics I managed to snap - with sticky hands and all!!
Here is the liquid after we mixed all of our ingredients!
Here is how our liquid turned into a solid!! Shake it up, shake it up!!!!
WOW!! We have ICE CREAM!!! :) YUMMY!!
We then drew a picture of our experience in our Science Journal and then completed the Venn Diagram that Deanna included with her activity.
You can find this activity in her Farm Unit and also in her Science Experiments Vol 1 - both found in her TpT Store. :)
Classroom Management
A few weeks back, Kim Adsit posted about some of her classroom management tricks and tips on her fantastic new blog, Kindergals. She shared how she uses "Happy Rocks" to reward her students for various things that happen through out the day. I LOVED this idea and knew that I had to give it a try!! Here is my version of the "Happy Rocks" Jar and I added my own twist...The Happy Rock House - where the Happy Rocks wait! :)
You can see in the background that I also used her other trick from that same post - The students do not like it when they loose an animal.
I use the Smiley/Frowney technique from Whole Brain Teaching, and I was using a laminated smiley/frowney face chart but got tired of erasing and the dry erase marker not coming off all the way - it looked way yucky - so I came up with this...
This was easy to make and I find it easier to use then what I was doing before. :) FYI - These are lids from the pint size paint cans that I use when I make pencil holders and what not. I have a TON of them and have been trying to find ways to use them!! :)
And finally... I needed something to document the progress my children were making or not making in their name writing. I created this document to help in that!
Inspired by Kim Adsit... again... :) I have several different "Clubs" that the children can gain membership into when they accomplish different tasks - and one of them being writing their name CORRECTLY! :) In the morning during their morning work routines, if they are not a member of the Name Club they have to get to practice their name writing. :) On the front of the book I wrote their name correctly so they would always have a model, and so I don't have to write their name for them everyday. I made enough copies of the second page for at least a month (one a day) and staple 3 times across the top - and there you go! It has a place for them to write the "Secret Code" (date) and they have 5 chances to practice and then one more at the bottom to write it the very best they can. Once I see that they can consistently write their name correctly, I take their name tag and post it on my cabinet with the other club members. We have only been using this document for a few days so I will let you know how it works out for us!
Click the first picture below to download.
Here is the sign I use on my cabinet for the Name Club - there are some other signs included in this download that I made at the same time - one is for the title for my Clip Chart and the other is a title for a rubric I post for adding details to our pictures.
I hope everyone has a great week and if you lasted this long - thanks for sticking with me through all the randomness tonight. :)